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Live below your means, invest the rest

Get an organized look at your finances and habits.

Are you coming out ahead?

With YNAB, you’ll be able to ensure your expenses aren’t exceeding your income with our digital envelope system and four-rule method.

Forget everything you think you know about money and get ready for total control.

A tool that finally worked

Daniel and his wife had tried every money management system under the sun. But nothing seemed to stick.

“I wanted to see my income and spending updated in real-time. I also wanted to set funds aside for lumpy expenses and surprises. This is the view we needed to make trade-offs, set goals, and prioritize.”

He finally found what he was looking for with YNAB—the method and app that finally worked.

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Optimize your income

In the past two years, our household savings rate as a percent of gross income has grown from 6% to 27%. We max out our 401(k)s and save even more on top.

A tool that finally worked

Daniel and his wife had tried every money management system under the sun. But nothing seemed to stick.

“I wanted to see my income and spending updated in real-time. I also wanted to set funds aside for lumpy expenses and surprises. This is the view we needed to make trade-offs, set goals, and prioritize.”

He finally found what he was looking for with YNAB—the method and app that finally worked.

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Optimize your income

In the past two years, our household savings rate as a percent of gross income has grown from 6% to 27%. We max out our 401(k)s and save even more on top.

“With YNAB, I spent a year in South Africa getting certified as a safari guide.”

Janna, a dedicated YNABer, didn't just tweak her daily routine; she rewrote her entire story from Amsterdam city slicker to South African safari guide. Her journey is an example of how intentional spending can be the compass that guides you to your true north.

Make your money work harder

How to Stress Less About Money: 4 Simple Rules

For those who have tried organizing your finances and failed, it's not you: it's your method. Learn how to stress less with YNAB's 4 Rules.

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YNAB Tips: Habits of Successful YNABers

It really only takes three habits and an hour a month to manage your money. Learn the best YNAB tips and get organized!

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8 Ways Rich People Think Differently

Ever wondered how rich people think differently? See the key factors in how they built their wealth and start putting them into practice.

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